Mountain Bike Know-How

The Mountain Bike Monitor – The basis for successful
mountain bike tourism

29. March 2022
Since 2015, the Mountain Bike Monitor has been established as a knowledge base and strategic decision-making tool for mountain bike tourism in many destinations. With the 2018 survey, we were able to gain profound insights into the target group, their values and desires as well as their behaviour. We are building on this with the Mountain Bike Monitor 2022 and expanding this base of knowledge once again.
Themenspektrum MTM14-22_EN Komprimiert

The results of the MTB Monitor combined with the benchmark study DESTINATION BRAND on German vacation destinations by inspektour, Hamburg provide representative results on potential interest in mountain biking on holiday as well as the competitiveness of mountain bike destinations. The results of the survey provide sound knowledge on the four main target groups of mountain bikers, which determines concrete offer requirements – especially with regard to infrastructure – and points to effective marketing approaches. Knowledge of the size of each segment additionally allows for the prediction of potential demand.

The MTB Monitor 2022 provides an important and one of a kind foundation for demand-based product development, for calculating the market potential of offers and for successfully addressing target groups.

The focus of the survey is on the following questions from the destination's point of view:

  • Where is an investment worthwhile?
  • How big is my market?
  • How do I market my offer?

With the Mountain Bike Monitor, we are creating the first standardised database across Europe capable of providing insights into different source markets and destinations. With the module on infrastructure, insights into the popularity of and requirements for a wide range of offers are available. With the addition of target group zero – which includes all those who are interested in mountain biking but do not (yet) do it themselves – the study also covers a target group with great market potential that is often not considered. Another novel approach of this study is the identification of the brand funnel (experience, awareness, interest) for both European countries as well as important bike regions.

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Is the MTB Monitor something for me?

The findings of the Mountain Bike Monitor reduce the risk of investments and improve decision making in the development of mountain bike tourism offers.

The MTB Monitor 2022 is definitely something for you if you ...

  • want to gain an overview of mountain biking and the market
  • want to develop a feeling for mountain bikers as a target group
  • want to understand the wishes and requirements of mountain bikers
  • want to get to know the different segments of mountain bikers in detail
  • want to develop mountain bike projects professionally and soundly from the start
  • want to know how your region is perceived by mountain bikers

The modules of the study ...

… reflect all relevant topics along the mountain bikers' travel chain. They are designed to provide those responsible for MTB development with a document that is as practical as possible. It is thus a handbook with answers to the most frequent questions.

Sound knowledge of the target group is the be-all and end-all in offer and product development. The module "Target Groups and Recreational Behaviour" includes the most important information on the demographic characteristics of mountain bikers. In addition, findings on central attributes and the perception of biking, on the frequency of biking during free time, on riding skills, on the ownership of different types of bikes or the practice of other sports are bundled here.

How much do you want to know?

Baseline Study

The most important information for anyone who wants to get a general overview of the market, the target group of mountain bikers as well as the industry from a tourism perspective.

The central information from the modules described above is summarised in general for all mountain bikers surveyed.

Special Evaluation for Destinations
Mountain Bike Brand Funnel
Calculating Market Potential
Individual Workshop for your Destination
Panel Surveys

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