MTB-Nation Netherlands

Successful mountainbike projects without mountains

track and trails, groot-2111

Patrick Jansen // Tracks & Trails

„As a forest scientist and passionate mountain biker, and after nearly 20 years of building mountain bike trails, I can state: a sustainably planned and built singletrack trail mitigates social conflict, prevents damage to vegetation, and minimizes disturbance to wildlife." 

Patrick shares his unique perspective on the compatibility of forestry and mountain biking. After separating myth from truth in his study of the effects of mountain biking in nature, he put his knowledge into practice, building more than 100 trails in the Netherlands. He tells us...
  • how his work as a forester influences his trailbuilding.
  • how to mediate between mountain bikers and foresters.
  • how the view of mountain bikers in nature has changed.
  • and how to build trails without mountains.

About Patrick Jansen

The best of two worlds: Patrick brings two unique perspectives to the table. He sees the forest not only as a playground for his bike, but also as a natural space worth protecting. His years of work as a forester, his environmental research and his successful career as a mountain bike rider combine in-depth knowledge of forests and nature with his practical experience, from which his trails benefit. He has built over 100 of them in the Netherlands and Belgium - in harmony with the forest and completely without mountains.
