Research and Projects
Guidelines for Visitor Monitoring in Natural Spaces and Active Tourism

Many nature parks and recreational areas are seeing an unprecedented increase in visitors such as hikers, walkers, joggers, cyclists, mountain bikers and horse riders. Current figures show three to ten times the normal volume on popular trails. Naturally, increased volume leads to an increase in the number of complaints and the pressure for improved visitor guidance.
But on what basis? And with which concrete and measurable goals?
We have been concerned with this issue for a long time, as it is not uncommon for mountain bikers to be identified by some as a target group in particular need of "guidance". We have therefore been working on the Guidelines for Visitor Monitoring in Natural Spaces and Active Tourism since 2018. As always, the aim is to provide a quick overview of the topic and to promote exchange among experts.

- What methods are there and what are their advantages, disadvantages and conditions of use?
- Which requirements does collected data need to meet?
- How is this data then evaluated and processed?
- How can visitor monitoring be integrated into visitor management and stakeholder management?
The Guidelines for Visitor Monitoring in Natural Spaces and Active Tourism provides information on these and other questions.
The Guidelines for Visitor Monitoring in Natural Spaces and Active Tourism will be published at the beginning of February.Please sign up for the newsletter to receive the publication.
Feel free to Contact us at any time with questions, suggestions and ideas.
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