The Evolution from Pumptracks to URBAN SPORTS PARKS
About potential for communities and tourism.

Dirk Scheumann // Schneestern
„I believe in the concept of the Urban Sports Park not only as the manager of Schneestern, but first and foremost as a family man. I have been searching for and have (yet) to find this kind of recreational facility for my family."
The starting point of the presentation is the "asphalt pump track", which is booming worldwide in well-developed countries as a form of roller sports infrastructure. But are the tracks really used primarily by bikers - as one might conclude from their historical development? During this presentation, current surveys will be discussed that hint at the need of several new target groups.
Based on this knowledge, we have further developed the Pumptrack and designed the URBAN SPORTS PARK as the next logical step for Roller Sports Areas. Roller sports stay the central element within the URBAN SPORTS PARK.
The other 3 pillars are: Encounter, Fitness and the current Work-Life-Challenges. Based on 6 of the 12 global megatrends, this concept offers both social potential through providing space for movement and activity beneficial for the common good as well as tourism potential by acting as a complementary offer, both through publicly accessible facilities.
Dirk gives insights into the history and product development from the unpaved Pumptrack for mountain bikers to the individual Urban Sports Park for communities and destinations.
- What are the actual target groups of Pumptracks and Urban Sports Parks?
- What is an Urban Sports Park anyway?
- What solutions does the Urban Sports Park offer its users?
- What potentials does an Urban Sports Park offer in municipal services and in tourism concepts?
- How can the Urban Sports Park also function as an operator model?


About Dirk Scheumann
Dirk Scheumann is an action sports enthusiast and has been involved in the business for over 25 years. As a keynote speaker and action sports expert, he shares his knowledge and experience with professional audiences and customers worldwide. His goal always is to anchor action sports in society and make it accessible to the masses. Thus, the concepts and implementations of his company Schneestern (65 employees, based in Allgäu, since 1999) range from slopestyle courses at the Olympics to offers of roller play for kindergartens.